Monday, 5 November 2007

Blisters and Birds

Most of you know that I recently walked in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. A 60 mile walk that takes place over the course of three days. Although this preggie did not walk the entire 60 miles, I still managed to make it for about 40 or so. That being said, I only got ONE blister the entire weekend and it didn't come until day 3. Interestingly enough, I have somehow accumulated THREE blisters walking around here the last two days. Yesterday I'll take the blame, as I wore shoes that were sure to create blisters in only a matter of blocks, but man they were cute! Today however, I wore my most comfortable shoes and after a short walk, I was hobbling home only to find yet another one had sprung up. Can anyone explain this?

Also, I have discovered a new fear. I have several strange fears that some of you may or may not know about. Among them are fire, no escape, wasps, and I think I mentioned in an earlier post deer. Well today I can add birds to that list. I took Christopher down to the Thames River this morning to see some boats and feed the swans. Well all you have to do is simply lift the bag you are carrying and birds from all over the place swarm you instantly. I'm sure anyone watching me had quite the laugh as I hurriedly gathered up my son and our cheerios to escape the mass of white and grey wings flapping in all directions.

Christopher on the other hand, has no fear of animals at all, thanks to his Memere' and Grandad's farm. So I couldn't disappoint him and leave right away when I had been talking about feeding the swans all morning. So we found a nice spot near the water where the birds were at a minimum and we could feed the swans as intended. He had a ball. I couldn't get him to take his eyes off the birds for a minute for the pictures but here are a couple that I snapped.


Deb said...

I don't think your fear of birds is unreasonable at all... I was at a park with my parents when I was in middle school and got chased by some really mean swans. I haven't looked at swans the same since. And don't even get me started on the Hitchcock movie "The Birds"...

Jerimiah Smith said...

How fun. Looks like you guys are really enjoying your time so far. Christopher looks so cute with those birds. What a fun kid. I'm sure you all are having a blast. I'm very jealous you are all getting to experience such a cool culture. Looking forward to your next posts.


Jonna said...

This is awesome Steph! Love reading about your life in London!!

Tim said...

Birds are kind of freaky looking as well. Round bodies, little stick legs that look like they'll snap off any any point. I'll emphasize with you a bit.

Looks like you all are having a great time! Can't wait to see more pictures.

dustin locke said...

Could I be any more jealous?

Not likely.

TeamRiss said...

Those birds dive bomb down and are so gross so that's not crazy or strange. I'm so glad y'all are having such a great time!

BethHubbard said...

I'm laughing so hard at the visual of you being bombarded by the birds. If you get to make it Venice, beware! The pigeons are EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!

pkhubbard said...

I was with you the night you, Beth and Leslie discovered your deer fear--I am glad I was not there for the bird fear--it doesn't sound as good as deer fear--